
5 10, 2018

Posture of the Month: Banana Pose


Want to open your side body? Improve digestion? I have the posture for you!

Banana Pose offers a spinal side bend in a supportive, restful fashion. By laying on the ground, you are able to really release into the posture.

Let’s take a deeper dive into the creation of the shape of […]

Posture of the Month: Banana Pose2018-10-05T14:36:44-04:00
4 08, 2018

Posture of the Month: Supine Twist


Are you looking for a way to warm up before twist poses? Interested in unwinding your spine and hips at the end of the day? If so, you might enjoy Supine Twist.

The Supine Twist is a posture I modified from Knee Down Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana).

In Knee Down Twist, you lay […]

Posture of the Month: Supine Twist2019-07-14T19:01:03-04:00
19 01, 2018

Optimizing Bladder Control: Strengthening the Pelvic Floor


As a yoga teacher and pelvic floor physical therapist, I blended the two disciplines together as part of a holistic model of care to create this video for optimizing bladder control through strengthening the pelvic floor and core.

This video is recommended for people who experience:

Optimizing Bladder Control: Strengthening the Pelvic Floor2019-06-29T15:18:41-04:00
13 01, 2018

Relieving Pelvic Pain


Pelvic pain affects 25% of women and 11% of men. Often, those who are experiencing pain feel more alone than the statistics reveal because pelvic pain is not as readily spoken about as other parts of the body, like the back or hip.

Pelvic pain can disrupt bowel, bladder, digestive, and […]

Relieving Pelvic Pain2018-11-08T07:13:08-05:00
27 11, 2017

Posture of the Month: Long Lunge with a Twist


Holiday season has arrived…and so have the holiday parties, office cookies, and extra travel. If you find that your bowels aren’t giving you holiday cheer, try a few rounds of this long lunge with a twist.

Long Lunge (with a twist) is a nice way to lengthen the front of the […]

Posture of the Month: Long Lunge with a Twist2018-03-30T11:23:37-04:00


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