Thank you for purchasing Your Pace Yoga videos.

I hope you acknowledge you have taken an empowering step in managing your wellness. I sincerely hope these videos offer you comfort and relief as you manage pain and that it helps improve your mobility and quality of life.

How to get the most out of your practice

Practice ahimsa

Please practice ahimsa, or nonviolence. Treat your body with compassion and kindness.

Only move in the way that feels good for your body. Pain is not a “gain” in this instance; trust your body and let it guide you.

Embrace the power of your breath

The simple practice of breathing quiets the sympathetic nervous system and has a strong influence over many functions of the mind and body.

Start where you are and try not to judge what you “should be able to do.” Accept and honor where you are in the moment, and know that it might vary from practice to practice, day to day.

Unlock the benefits: know the rationale of each pose

Some of you might remember Abbie from my first video, Relieving Pelvic Pain. She graciously agreed to be a part of my new video series and asked a great question after filming: how did you determine which postures to feature?

Knowing the intention behind your program is a great way to unlock its benefits. So, to help inform and enhance your practice, I created a blog explaining the anatomy and benefits of each particular yoga flow. Read more about your tailored program in the blog:

Use of props

You might find the use of bolsters, blankets and blocks will support your practice. In the videos, we use 1–2 blocks to increase the ease of attaining the postures.


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