Reclined goddess pose is my absolute favorite restorative posture for pelvic pain, especially during


The key with restorative postures is to support the body. The slightest amount of support makes a huge difference.

I was speaking with one of my clients this week and she remarked how subtle supporting the wrist with a face cloth can be. I shared that I love to weight the palm of my hands with eye pillows or sandbags.

By supporting the body with weighted sandbags, blankets, straps and eye pillows we allow our nervous system to come into greater balance.

In the photo above, note the blankets under the knees are supporting the femur (thigh bone) right up to the pelvis. This allows the adductor (inner thigh) muscles to be supported close to where they connect at the pelvis.

Be sure that the blankets are high enough that you aren’t in too much of a stretch. The key is to feel supported so you can soften into the posture.

Adding the bolster under the spine allows for a greater chest opening. Resting in this posture with the palms up and weighted helps you feel more grounded, especially when it’s been a hectic week.

I hope you find this posture as luxurious as I do. Put on soothing music, set a (gentle) timer, and watch how effective 10–15 minutes of restorative yoga can do for you.

As always, I invite your comments below. Happy practicing!


Originally published 7/12/13.