
It’s a word that some people are excited to hear and others dread. What if we reframe the word resolution. What if we focus on concepts and habits in tiny chunks that are more within our reach?

Set yourself up for resolution success by implementing small changes.

Meditation resolutions

If you are starting or re-energizing a meditation practice, it may feel overwhelming at first. I have found it is helpful to begin with five minutes or even one minute if you don’t have five. Even a single deep breath can help calm your nervous system and bring focus to your work. Connecting with your breath may also help remind you of your intentions…how do you want to feel? How do you want to act? Who do you want to be?

Try this: approach your resolutions like you might approach your mind wandering during meditations – kindly and compassionately For example, if you have resolved to eat less sugar this year and found yourself indulging in the office donut supply, be gentle with yourself. Eat some nuts to balance your blood sugar and know that tomorrow is another day. Every time you fall off the wagon you are getting the chance to strengthen your new habit. Try and practice kindness and compassion to yourself at the same time. Your ability to refocus will continue to become more powerful!

Meditation can do wonders for your focus. If you are looking for a guided meditation, try one of my free meditations:

(Opens up in new tab to download.)

Movement resolutions

I encourage my patients to increase their daily movement in bite size chunks.

If you are looking to add movement to the beginning of your day, how about Cat/Cow? You can do this before you even get out of bed either laying on your side or coming into hands and knees. You can add a puppy stretch or Child’s Pose to create a mini-flow.

Dustienne Miller in cat pose

Cat pose

Dustienne Miller in cow pose

Cow pose

Nourishment resolutions

We all know how important proper hydration is for our kidneys, muscles, energy, and cellular function. Sometimes the challenge is remembering to drink during a busy day. Sometimes the challenge is having access to water near you (ex: working in an OR, nap trapped/new parents). I fill a 32 oz glass container with filtered water that I pour from so I can track my intake…when I remember to drink. 🙂

Some people are consciously not keeping up with their hydration needs because of urinary incontinence and overactive bladder. Read about some strategies on how to optimize your hydration if you are dealing with overactive bladder in this blog.

New Year’s Day is often a time for “quitting”…quitting sugar, alcohol, dairy, etc. I’ve found success by focusing on what I’m adding in. Rather than telling myself I can’t have mint chocolate chip ice cream, I track my vegetable intake for the day and see what healthy, beautiful produce I can add in.

Adding in fiber for satiety and optimal bowel movements is another easy win. Some people sprinkle psyllium husk into smoothies. I love adding chia seed to soups, smoothies, and even my water bottle.

Maintaining resolutions

It is super easy to fall out of a routine, especially when stress levels rise.

What works for me when I fall off? I’m successful when I start with small changes that are immediately attainable. Other people prefer to jump in full steam. This might work better for you.

It is helpful to remember that our brains work differently and our habit-building styles are variable.

Some seasons being consistent with a morning routine can be very supportive. Other times, a morning routine may be as simple as taking 10 breaths while waiting for the train.

Be gentle with yourself! We are not robots and we all get off our course from time to time. The important thing is to allow yourself to begin again with kindness and the least amount of judgement possible.