
4 03, 2017

Learning to Walk Again: A Practice in Patience with Rehabilitation


This piece is part of our series “Transforming in the Mud: Finding Hope and Perseverance During Tough Times.” 

As a physical therapist, it is my honor to work with people “in the mud.” I can see their potential, but being in physical pain with functional limitations is wildly exhausting and […]

Learning to Walk Again: A Practice in Patience with Rehabilitation2017-09-29T09:47:35-04:00
20 01, 2017

The Coexistence of Chronic Pain and Hope


This piece is part of our series “Transforming in the Mud: Finding Hope and Perseverance During Tough Times.” 

As a physical therapist, it is my honor to work with people “in the mud.” I can see their potential, but being in physical pain with functional limitations is wildly exhausting and frustrating […]

The Coexistence of Chronic Pain and Hope2017-09-29T09:47:49-04:00


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